

Thursday, 24 June 2021




Set out below is a summary of the decisions taken at the Executive meeting held on Thursday, 24 June 2021.  The wording used does not necessarily reflect the actual wording that will appear in the minutes.


Members are reminded that, should they wish to call in a decision, notice must be given to Democracy Support Group no later than 4pm on the second working day after this meeting.  Please note that the recommendation to Council at item 13 cannot be called in.


If you have any queries about any matters referred to in this decision sheet please contact FionaYoung.



5.               City of York Council Recovery and Renewal Strategy - June Update


Resolved:  That the contents of the report be noted.




6.               Supporting the York Economy


Resolved:  (i)      That the significant economic impacts resulting from the Executive’s decision in March 2020 to invest £1.4m in micro businesses be noted.


Reason:     To recognise the sizeable economic and social impact of the Council’s micro business grant scheme on York’s small business community and business owners, and better understand the challenges they face in adapting to, and recovering from, Covid-19.


                   (ii)      That the continued focus on working with networks and Traders Associations to build a stronger business community be endorsed.


Reason:     To continue the Council’s commitment to working with local businesses and build a stronger sense of community.


                   (iii)     That it be noted that the findings of the MBG evaluation and the council’s work with networks and Traders Association will inform plans to spend the outstanding allocation of Additional Restrictions Grant funding once trading restrictions are lifted, and that the Head of Economic Growth be instructed to bring proposals for the use of those funds to Executive at the earliest opportunity.


Reason:     To support the further recovery of micro businesses and the York economy.


(iv)    That, subject to the receipt of additional ARG funding from Government, £100k of ARG funds be allocated to support the delivery of events and festivals across the city, and that the implementation of that fund be delegated to the Corporate Director of Place in consultation with the Executive Member for Economy & Strategic Planning.


Reason:     To support economic recovery.


(v)     That the council sign up to the Good Business Charter and commit York to becoming the first Good Business Charter City.


Reason:     To promote responsible business practices and provide a practical framework which enables York to Build Back Better.




7.               Recycling Collection Options and Waste Consultations


Resolved:  (i)      That the 7,205 residents who took the time to complete the council consultation on recycling (one of the best consultation responses ever received) be thanked, and that the Government’s own intentions to increase recycling by funding local authorities to provide additional services be welcomed.


Reason:     To provide greater clarity on efforts to increase recycling across the country.


                   (ii)      That authority be delegated to the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning, in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change, to provide a response to the Government’s consultation on recycling collections based upon the resident response to the councils consultation by the closing date of 4 July.


Reason:     To ensure that the council’s response to the Government consultation reflects the views of residents.


                   (iii)     That the implementation of the three-weekly recycling collections not proceed.


Reason:     Results from the resident focus groups showed that communicating the three-weekly collection was extremely difficult and this would therefore be a risk to success; in addition, the forthcoming Environment Bill may mandate fortnightly collections, meaning that any fundamental change is likely to result in a second change to collection methodology in the next few years, potentially leading to abortive costs.


                   (iv)    That the garden waste season be extended by one month, to run from the beginning of March to the end of October each year, starting in March 2022.


Reason:     While there was some support for a year-round green waste service this was not conclusive, and previous customer requests have shown a demand for an earlier start to the season; this change will ensure that residents have a service that meets their need and extends the collection season, which was a theme in the consultation.


                   (v)     That, in light of the vehicle replacement, a review be undertaken to determine whether current collection routes for recycling, refuse and garden waste are as efficient as possible and, if this results in proposals for a significant change, that a report be taken to the Executive Member for Environment & Climate Change.


Reason:     To ensure that an efficient and effective service is provided.


                   (vi)    That officers begin to implement the bags to bins policy (wheeled bins rather than black bags), bring this matter to future Decision Sessions of the Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change, and review the opportunities to extend the green waste collection to these properties.


Reason:     To help prepare the city for any future changes.


                   (vii)    That the sorting of dry recycling into two streams by the collection teams be formally adopted and that a communications campaign be launched to all householders that glass, cans and plastics can now be placed in the same box or boxes (2 boxes per household) but that paper and card must be kept separate.


Reason:     So that residents are only asked to source-separate their recycling to the required level.


                   (viii)   That it be noted that these decisions, and the previous approvals of a budget for waste vehicle replacement and adoption of the Future Fleet Management Policy, will allow officers to procure a fleet of twin stream recycling vehicles.


Reason:     The existing recycling vehicle fleet is beyond its economical and serviceable life.




8.               Future of Medigold Element of CYC Approach to Absence Management


Resolved:  That approval be given to extend the contract with Medigold for one year, at a cost of £90k.


Reason:     So that a full assessment of the benefit can be made.




9.               Merger of York Coroner Area with North Yorkshire County Council Coroner Areas


Resolved:  That it be noted that this item will be deferred to a future meeting.


Reason:     To enable consideration of amendments to be made to the business case by the MoJ.




10.            Finance and Performance Outturn 2020-21


Resolved:  (i)      That the year end position be noted.


(ii)      That the finance and performance information in the report be noted.


(iii)     That the extension to March 2023 for the letter of credit to York Museums Trust, as outlined in paragraphs 20 to 24 of the report, be approved.


(iv)    That approval be given for the use of contingency and reserves outlined in paragraphs 14 to 16.


(v)     That the carry-forward of HRA reserves outlined in Annex 1 be approved.


Reason:     To ensure that significant financial issues can be appropriately dealt with.




11.            Capital Programme Outturn 2020/21 and Revisions to the 2021/2- 2025/26 Programme


Resolved:  (i)      That the 2020/21 capital outturn position of £92.397m be noted, and that the requests for re-profiling from the 2020/21 programme to future years, totalling £37.575m, be approved.


(ii)      That the adjustments to schemes increasing expenditure in 2020/21 by a net £10.113m be noted.


(iii)     That approval be given to release an additional £73k from capital contingency to allow the construction of the new crematorium waiting room.


(iv)    That the revised leisure offer at the Community Stadium of a children’s play area be approved.


Reasons:   (a)     To enable the effective management and monitoring of the council’s capital programme.


                   (b)     To ensure that mourners attending the crematorium and waiting to enter can be treated with dignity through appropriate and proper waiting facilities.




12.            Treasury Management Annual Report and Review of Prudential Indicators 2020/21


Resolved:  That the 2020/21 performance of treasury management activity and prudential indicators outlined in Annex A to the report be noted.


Reason:     To ensure the continued performance of the treasury management function can be monitored and to comply with statutory requirements




13.            Capital Programme Outturn 2020/21 and Revisions to the 2021/2- 2025/26 Programme


Recommended:  That the re-stated 2021/22 to 2025/26 programme of £600.778m, as summarised in Table 3 at paragraph 104 of the report and detailed in Annex A, be approved.


Reason:              To enable the effective management and monitoring of the council’s capital programme.

